
Eric T. Hillery grew up in Brooklyn, New York.  He’s one of those New Yorkers who winces when people only think of Manhattan when they think of NYC.
The first things he ever published were YA short stories dealing with all sorts of weirdness, and he’s always been a contributor to all sorts of publications (even research) since his time at the University at Buffalo, where he studied Psychology and English.

Eric is not a writer who exclusively writes. He’s helped tease out patterns in neuroscience lab work, and gone on to manage all sorts of projects from there.  He’s even technically a former federal agent — but not the fun kind — and worked in the SSA. Today, he’s still managing and optimizing projects, and editing and writing articles and manuscripts.

Eric enjoys a great deal of gaming, reading, running, joking and teaching new tricks to his cat, Aminal, who now high-fives humans consistently.