Posting: Day 1

Hey, here’s where you can read my shooting that last iota of author professionalism in the foot.

I kid, I kid.

Really though, two things I know is that writers need their blank spaces, and writers need to learn. And at this point in my life (especially with my eye on making it into the castle called publishing) I’m learning things that every once in a while makes me think “Golly.  That’s worth knowing!” and sometimes, “I wish this reality was shared my way sooner.”

So, voila!  A placeholder for a new author blog as I go through this effort.  You can expect I won’t be using this space to talk about your mother (unless she’s somehow making me rethink things) but sharing what it’s like to press into a world where you take your inspirations as far as they’ll go, instead.

Disclaimer: I’m a dork working to break his dreams into reality, so you’re bound to find some idealistic, hopeful thoughts. Come on back later if that sounds like your bag.